The crossover point
If you think you life is in your own hands,
are you smart enough to save it?
If you think your life is not in your own hands,
whose hands do you think it is in?
By John Kaminski
The boundary between friends and enemies has never been clearer — someone you love holds a mistaken belief that is a threat to your life.
We all want to just let the world roll by unnoticed as we focus on the tasks and joys of our own lives. Each one of us has said at one point or another in life, "Oh, let George do it. He doesn't have anything better to do." Extrapolated to the way we regard our government, it's surprising the criminals took this long to empty our piggy banks.
We haven't been paying attention. And it has cost us our lives.
The boundary between friends and enemies — that definitive question on which you can no longer waffle — sits squarely on the belief that U.S. government officials — and the whole corrupt choir of upper crust American society — told the truth about what happened on September 11, 2001.
If what they said was true, then all this psychotic mind-control warmaking was necessary. But if what they said was not true, all those millions of people, shamefully called collateral damage, died for nothing. It all hinges on whether they told the truth.
The whole world's population below the rank of diplomatically immune pervert knows they did not.
The last thing most Iraqi families raped and murdered by deranged U.S. hit squads knew was that they did not.
And your grandson — that cute kid who was a football star, shot in the back by his own drugged comrades who didn't even know that the targets underneath all those funny looking rags they wore were actually people just like the grandma and grandpa who recently mourned this boy for the last time at the cemetery where they brought him in his closed coffin — he probably didn't know they were lying. Which is why he died.
The boundary between friends and enemies is the crossover point at which you realize incontrovertibly that you have been duped by your own beliefs, specifically the one where you believe your government acts in your best interests.
9/11 was an inside job — inside your government, inside your own belief system, and inside your head.
It was the logical conclusion of ingesting a lifetime of poisoned and misleading knowledge and supporting an ideology that produced a series of contrived social events — like wars — that benefitted no one but engineers of these conflicts, and certainly not the average joes who trustingly put their honesty on the line and went to work every day.
On the first day after the uncomprehendable crash of airplanes into skyscrapers, they named 'all' 19 hijackers definitively. In the ten years following this announcement, no credible evidence has emerged indicating an intelligence network sufficiently complex to have coordinated the multi-level showbiz spectacle of deception that the demolition of those buildings required.
No one has ever actually proved that any of these fictional characters could even fly a plane, never mind an exceedingly complex jumbo jetliner. Not one single traceable part of the airplanes they claimed were used in the caper has even been found, which is something that has never happened before in any U.S. airplane crash — and which happened four times on that sad day.
Not one physical perpetrator of the 9/11 caper has ever been captured — only four chemically lobotomized patsies paraded on daytime TV after suitable Guantanamo conditioning by the Department of Homeland Security rendered each of them unable to form a single coherent thought ever again. The crotch bomber, courtesy of Michael Chertoff, later gave us all a mandatory form of cancer, as well as new lows in sexual molestation techniques.
That's showbiz, folks. And you believed it because you wanted to, because it's easier to have a visible focus of your self-hatred, which averts having to confront the beast within yourself.
You believed it because they said it was true, and because you live in a wonderful country, you have to support everything they say, because if you don't, they'll come and get you. I know far too many people now who have both been gotten, or nearly gotten, sometimes by the width of an eyelash, or once in the silence of an unspoken word.
We all need to get in public and mouth off to the max. We shouldn't put up with any more of this. No public official who supports the official 9/11 lies should be allowed to remain in office.
These guys are all criminals, perverse puppets ejaculating on their own strings as they execute the orders of their masters and also execute the people they swore to protect. Anybody with any doubts about that is the enemy.
Anybody with any doubts that 9/11 was a multi-layer grand deception featuring tremendous explosions before the towers ever fell, colossal robberies the night before when the FEMA boys came to town, dozens of Israeli provocateurs rounded up and flown back to Israel for safety (Chertoff, again), and Larry 'The $4 Billion Boy' Silverstein saying, "They had to pull it, so they did." — is either a damned fool or a paid liar.
The tentacles of this unspeakably treasonous guilt slither their way through all the top layers of the American economy and intelligentsia. Universities twist their curricula to accommodate the hard-to-swallow neocon lies. And everywhere lurks the Jewish smoothing apparatus, ever ready to divert a valid argument into meaningless diversion to protect the interests of the Hebrew borg palpitating in Palestine, and now strangling the world.
So, she said she couldn't back my position because she had so many Jewish friends, and what was she supposed to do — get rid of all of them?
No, I told her, you only have to choose a Jewish friend you don't mind losing, and look him/her squarely in the eye, and ask them about the Holocaust.
Watch carefully as they squirm. Small wonder people use the term 'reptilian'. After a brief period of adjustment, first they affect a pose of indigestion. "How could you aver such a thing?" they flummox.
Then, when you don't back down from telling the truth as you see it, they question your moral character. And when that fails, and any number of other ludicrous feints fail, they turn to slander.
Eventually this devolves to bribery, blackmail and/or murder, if you're important enough and sufficiently nettlesome.
Remember, if you fail to question your Jewish friends on the Holocaust so you can witness and categorize their pathological reactions, you are betraying all your non Jewish friends who are fighting to be free from being killed or chemically lobotomized by the worldwide Jewish monster.
Here's the math test to reach the crossover point.
Larry Silverstein plus Benji Netanyahu, assisted by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, with Dick Cheney on plane control and Chertoff on cleaning up lose ends, Philip Zelikov on crowd control, Dov Zakheim on remote controlled aerial vehicles and emptying the Pentagon treasury, plus all the networks owned by certified sayanim (those nameless Jewish 'helpers' situated everywhere in the world), Hollywood an open wound of televised Jewish perversions, and boneprone Dubya, spiffy with his bomber jacket and his tool hanging out, uttering the signature phrase of America's immediate future . . .
'They hate our freedoms.'
Indeed they do, especially our freedom to kill anyone in the world and then lie about it.
So the math test question to reach the crossover point is . . . ?
How many of these criminally warped perpetrators ARE NOT JEWISH?
Good luck, panel. Look both ways before crossing over, and know that once you cross over, you'll never cross back.
Rest comfortably in the knowledge that you can utilize this question to deduce the solution to every single pressing social problem in the world. All it takes is the courage to ask it.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.